
Welcome to my blog Infinite Paris.

A dream come true – Manifesting in action! – this blog is where I plan to scribble notes of my activities, my insights, my observations during my extended stay in France.  Well, for full disclosure, I am a block and a half from Paris city limits.  I am actually in Neuilly-sur-Seine.  I still consider it Paris!

Love to have you join me on this journey if you want.  There is a Follow Me option on the right somewhere.  Leave your email and you will get notices when I post a new entry.  Or just drop in from time to time and see what I have been doing.  Or ignore me completely!  It’s all up to you!

For me, I will be enjoying Paris!

8 thoughts on “Bienvenue!

  1. You look so happy and I am so happy for you! Looking forward to being a small part of your amazing journey. Thanks! Love you xo


  2. absolutely love the fact that you are living the dream! I will be following your journey and look forward to the posts to come. Hugs to you, ma cher amie.


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